PEG On The Go

Some people requested that PEG should be available on mobile platforms, as the game is more than suited to be played on the go. Well, here you go:

Yup, the game is “premium” as didn’t wanted to bother you with last minute cheap monetization implementations such as ads. And yes, it is currently lacking in the reviews department (this soon will be intensely corrected, don’t worry).

PEG Android Port



iOS port is coming, just be a little more patient, somewhat short on the money department right now, bought lots of neat stuff that will allow me to work easier. (Including a brand-new professional site)

Plus, you knew it is a 100 USD annual fee to develop for Apple? Damn, Android had a one-time $40 fee.

Better plan ahead to make it worth, but pretty sure it can pay itself with some campaigns I have in mind.

PEG iOS Port

Getting There



If you are interested on getting the game, you might be interested on getting it with an extra bonus, as the same Android version has been added to!

Getting it there costs a little extra, but it will come to you with a STEAM key and a discount for KNIGHTS as well if you are also interested in it! So take a look.

Noticed something different?

This whole post might look somewhat more professional than those in the past. Currently testing an html-like tool that seems to provide interesting results for little to no effort. If it ends up being pretty good, I might make a dedicated post about it.

But Like Always…

Thank you so much for reading my blog :3

GDCR - Juice It Or Lose It

While working in a game, ever felt like your progress is kinda bland? That it is missing something. That something might be juice, so keep an eye on this talk. Continue reading

Software Suggestion - Hootsuite

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Unity Tip - Built-In Primitive Sprites

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